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Kino – Aswang

Cinema Neuf

Aldersgrense: 18 år Pris: 90 kr

Tir. 21. mars

Lillesalen, Chateau Neuf

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Om eventet

Studentpris: 40,- Ordinærpris: 60,- ( Ved første besøk må det også betales en årskontingent på 50,- ) DVD 2019 85 min Alyx Ayn Arumpac Tagalog language Aswang: a shape-shifting evil creature in Filipino folklore. Following the stories of ordinary people around the streets in the Philippines, this documentary doesn’t waste time talking to authorities to defend a system that is clearly deficient but still supported by voters. It cuts to the chase and the chase is that people of all ages suffer and they suffer badly under a leadership that not only doesn’t support them, but actively harms because of its corruption. Hope is scarce in this film, but it is found: on the streets, among ordinary people who do unsung good in the face of seemingly insurmountable evil. Written by Lilo

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