Psychedelic Quiz & Picnic w/ SFPV

Psychedelic quiz & Picnic w/ SFPV

Studentenes Forening for Psykedelisk Vitenskap

Lør. 27. mai


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Om eventet

Spring is turning summer, exams are being handed in, and we want to celebrate the occasion with you all! Join us for a picnic party in Vigelandsparken! We have prepared a sexy psychedelic quiz and will arrange exciting games, like "Throw some sticks at blocks of wood", frisbee and more. There will be a little prize for the winner of the quiz! There will also be pizza.Yum. And maybe a little surprise for those of you who decide to show up! Feel free to bring blankets! That way we can make a big cozy nest on the lawn! Bring your friends, and bring drinks if you like! All the best The Board

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