Athletica Domus

Athletica Domus is our largest club, located between Blindern and Ullevål Stadium. Athletica Domus offers a wide range of training options, including group training classes, swimming pool, multipurpose hall and tennis and squash courts.

Foto av SiO Athletica treningsstudio med tredemøller og sykler for spinning på senter Blindern.

At Athletica Domus you will find

Staffed reception
Wardrobe facilites
Swimming pool
Large gym area
Group training studios
Running studio
Martial Arts sports room
Cardio area
Free-weight area
Weight training equipment
Functional area
PT zone
Outdoor tennis courts
Indoor squash courts
PT offices
Outdoor artificial grass field
Massage room
Cycling studio
Locker room for all

Incident report March 31stThe parking garage will be closed all day until 4:00 PM due to maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.Wide training offer at Oslo's largest clubAthletica Domus has a large and wide training offer over four floors. Here you can take part in group training classes, do your own training in the studio, swim, use our outdoor artificial grass field, play outdoor tennis, play squash and use the multi-purpose hall.

Athletica Domus has:

  • Swimming area with 25 m pool, warm pool (33 degrees celcius), saunas and swimming for families during weekends
  • Large gym area with a diverse range of cardiovascular and weight training
  • Treatment and massage room
  • 5 studios for group training, including a Martial Arts sports room and cycling studio
  • Outdoor artificial grass field
  • Squash courts and outdoor tennis courts that can be booked for a small amount
  • Multipurpose hall which can be used for Football, Floorball, Volleyball, Handball, Basketball, Badminton etc. 

You can read more about SiO Athletica's sports halls, courts and swimming pool here. The swimming pool follows the opening hours of the club.  

Other facilitiesThe club has women's and men's wardrobes with shower facilities on both the ground floor, 1st and 2nd floor. The wardrobes downstairs also have saunas. In Athletica Domus we also have a "Locker room for all". You can read more about this locker room here. We have staffed the reception throughout the opening hours. There is a lift to all our floors.

LocationAthletica Domus is located nearby the subway stations Forskningsparken and Ullevål Stadion. If you come by car, the exit to Athletica Domus is directly from Ring 3 and there is a under ground parking garage that can be used for a fee. The club is located right next to Vestgrensa Student Village.

Welcome to training with us!

Opening hours

Rent courts at Athletica Domus

For a small fee you can rent an indoor squash court and outdoor tennis court in season.

Read more

Contact information




Trimveien 4, 0372 Oslo

See in Google Maps

Public transport

Lane 4 or 5 and tram 17 or 18, to the Research Park, 5 min to walk. There is also a parking garage at the fitness center (parking fee).

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