Lille Bislett

We have vacant spots from august. Contact us for info or apply directly through Oslo Kommune. Little Bislett SiO Kindergarten is centrally located on the OsloMet campus. We often take advantage of the city's offerings such as theaters, museums, and parks, but we also visit nature with the older children.

SiO Kindergarten Lille Bislett







Opening hours


Annual plan

Plan for 2024

We are a kindergarten with 4 departments, catering to children from 8 months to 6 years old. The kindergarten is located within the OsloMet campus, on the ground floor of an apartment building.

We have two departments for children aged 0 to 2 years, and 2 departments for children aged 3 to 6 years. In total, we have about 57 children. The staff consists of six kindergarten teachers, several skilled workers, and kindergarten assistants with extensive knowledge and experience.

At Lille Bislett kindergarten, we prioritize creating a safe and supportive psychosocial play environment for the children. Both the children and parents should feel that the kindergarten is a safe and welcoming place to be.

Children from Bislettbekken kindergarten are guaranteed a spot here with us at Lille Bislett as they grow older, and the kindergartens collaborate each spring to make the transition to the new kindergarten as smooth as possible.

We have a good collaboration with OsloMet University. This means that we have access to the gymnasium, receive visits from students, and are invited to theater and other exciting activities where students want an audience.

Welcome to SiO kindergarten

SiO kindergarten preserves the magic of childhood. Children live in the moment and must be given the opportunity to experience every day as meaningful and limitless. At our place, play and the children's wonder are in focus. Children can experience small moments as magical and must be given the opportunity to be spontaneous and impulsive. We want all children to experience that our kindergarten is a good and safe place to be, where everyone feels seen and recognized for who they are, and can be themselves regardless of gender and background.

Contact us if you want to apply

To get a kindergarten place at the main admission, you must apply by 1 March. But in SiO Kindergarten, we also take in children on an ongoing basis when places become available. Please contact the board if you would like to visit.

Apply here
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