
We have vacant spots from august. Contact us for info or apply directly through Oslo Kommune. Klossen kindergarten is located in the heart of Kringsjå student village. Our kindergarten is situated strategically next to student housing, Sognsvann, and right by Nordmarka. Our location is convenient for parents and provides unique hiking opportunities for the children in the kindergarten.

SiO Barnehage Klossen







Opening hours


Annual plan

Plan for 2024

The "Klossen" kindergarten is situated in a secluded area on the outskirts of the Kringsjå student village. We have 4 departments with 54 children aged 0 to 6 years old. The departments "Revehiet" and "Beverdammen" are for children between 8 months and 3 years old. The departments "Fuglefjellet" and "Fiskedammen" are for children between 2 and 6 years old.

There are two other SiO kindergartens in the student village, SiO Barnehage Skogly and SiO Barnehage Frydenhaug. All kindergartens utilize the local environment extensively and have a good collaboration. Common to the kindergartens in Kringsjå is that the local environment is part of our playground. Kringsjå has nature right outside the door. We actively use the hiking areas and gladly visit each other's playgrounds.

At Klossen, we work according to the values of respect, tolerance, and inclusive solidarity. Many international students choose to pursue education in Norway, and here at Klossen, we have many children from different countries and cultures. We see multicultural diversity as an asset for the kindergarten, and we strive for an inclusive community where each individual is at the center. Linguistic, religious, and cultural differences are a natural part of everyday life, and everyone should be proud of themselves, their culture, and their background. We also have a great diversity among our staff, and we are proud of our colorful community.

Welcome to SiO kindergarten

SiO kindergarten preserves the magic of childhood. Children live in the moment and must be given the opportunity to experience every day as meaningful and limitless. Play and children's wonder are our primary focus. Children can experience small moments as magical and must be given the opportunity to be spontaneous and impulsive. We want all children to feel that our kindergarten is a good and safe place to be, where everyone feels seen and appreciated for who they are, and where they can be themselves regardless of gender or background.

Contact us if you want to apply

To get a kindergarten place at the main admission, you must apply by 1 March. But in SiO Kindergarten, we also take in children on an ongoing basis when places become available. Please contact the board if you would like to visit.

Apply here
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