
We have vacant spots from august. Contact us for info or apply directly through Oslo Kommune. We are a small and safe kindergarten for the youngest children. We have two toddler departments and are located very centrally in the midst of an exciting part of the city on OsloMet's campus. Our local area has museums, parks, and other amenities that we often visit.

SiO Kindergarten Bislettbekken







Opening hours


Annual plan

Plan for 2024

At Bislettbekken, we have 21 spots for children aged 0 to 3 years old. Those of us who work here have extensive experience with young children. Our aim is to be a safe and welcoming place for both children and parents.

The adaptation period is meant to foster strong relationships between children, staff, and parents. We know that parents know their own children best, and we must work together to ensure the smoothest transition from home to kindergarten. An open and honest dialogue with parents forms the foundation for a successful partnership. Therefore, we have an initial meeting between the kindergarten and home during the first period, and we prioritize the child's and parents' need for security. We maintain close communication with parents and make individual adjustments based on the child's age and needs.

We collaborate with OsloMet University and have access to their facilities. Additionally, we have visits from students who engage in reading sessions, singing, and other activities with the children. As the children grow, many of them transition to Lille Bislett kindergarten after their time at Bislettbekken. We work to ensure that this transition is smooth and comfortable for the children. Therefore, we visit Lille Bislett, getting to know the staff and the kindergarten. Whenever possible, we prioritize placing friends in the same department during this transition.

Welcome to SiO kindergarten

SiO kindergarten preserves the magic of childhood. Children live in the moment and must be given the opportunity to experience every day as meaningful and limitless. Play and children's wonder are our primary focus. Children can experience small moments as magical and must be given the opportunity to be spontaneous and impulsive. We want all children to feel that our kindergarten is a good and safe place to be, where everyone feels seen and appreciated for who they are, and where they can be themselves regardless of gender or background.

Contact us if you want to apply

To get a kindergarten place at the main admission, you must apply by 1 March. But in SiO Kindergarten, we also take in children on an ongoing basis when places become available. Please contact the board if you would like to visit.

Apply here
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