Resources and self-help

If you’d like help tackling normal mental challenges, it can be smart to start here. We’ve gathered sound files, films, and other materials you can use in combination with our courses and treatments.

Do you need somebody to talk to?

You can call the Student Phone Line. The Student Phone Line is a free an anonymous offer for all students. The people answering have a lot of knowledge on life as a student, and have a duty of confidentiality.

Call 116 123 (press 3). The Student Phone Line is open every day between 6 pm and 2 am, including on weekends and on holidays.

Get help on the Student Phone Line

How to perform better on exams

Does the thought of exams make you anxious? You’re not alone. Half of all students have had exam anxiety (Shot-survey 2018). It’s nice to know that there are several things you can do to perform better on your exams.

How to tackle exam anxiety

Are you a procrastinator?

Do you tend to put everything off until the last minute? Why exactly do we procrastinate and what can we do about it? SiO Health holds courses where you can learn to procrastinate less. The course is in Norwegian.

Learn to procrastinate less

Join a free course

We have many different courses and groups that can make your everyday life as a student simpler. Learn more about mindfulness, managing depression, or how to tackle exam anxiety. With our courses you will receive practical training, good tips and tools, and last but not least- you will meet many others who are in the same situation you are. The courses are in Norwegian.

Read more and sign up for our courses (in Norwegian)
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